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BWF Holds Meeting for Implementation of Party Discipline Education Campaign

Date:2024-4-17 11:05:18    Views:

The Leading Party Members' Group of Beijing Women's Federation (BWF) held a meeting on April 15 to arrange the work of implementing the Party discipline education campaign. The participants studied the guiding principles of a circular about Party-wide campaign on Party discipline education approved by the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, and relevant meeting of the Central Leading Group for Party Building. They also studied the guiding principles of relevant meetings of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPC, and the Beijing Municipal Leading Group for Party Building, and an action plan enacted by the Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPC about the implementation of the Party discipline education campaign. The meeting also reviewed and approved a name list of the BWF's leading group for the Party discipline education campaign and work plan of the BWF about the implementation of the Party discipline education campaign, and made arrangements over relevant work. The meeting was presided over by Zhang Yajun, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and President of the BWF.

The meeting said that BWF shall always bear in mind the capital city's utmost political functions, enhance its political stance, grasp a deep understanding of the importance of the Party discipline education campaign, keep in alignment with the CPC Central Committee's requirements over the Party discipline education campaign in both thinking and action, and ensure all its Party members to be loyal to the Party, clean and responsible.

The meeting stressed that BWF shall closely relate its daily work to the study and implementation of the newly-revised Regulations on CPC Disciplinary Action, integrate the Party discipline education with normal work, , strengthen warning education, persist in promoting studies via training, intensify publicity efforts, and advance rectification work along with the study and implementation of the regulations with concrete results.

The meeting emphasized that the Leading Party Members' Group of the BWF shall set an example and take the lead in responsibility fulfillment and that the Party secretaries of its affiliated branches shall strive to be a pioneer in the high-quality study and implementation of the Party discipline education campaign. Additionally, the BWF's leading group for Party discipline education campaign shall better perform its functions of overall planning and coordination. The office of the leading group shall provide guidance and monitor the implementation of the Party discipline education campaign. All functional departments and Party branches of the BWF shall carry out the Party discipline education campaign meticulously and transfer the results of the Party discipline education campaign into the achievements of high-quality development of women's federations.

Those in attendance of the meeting included members of the BWF's leadership, bureau-level officials, and secretaries of Party branches of functional departments and affiliated institutions of the BWF.

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