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Voices of Women's Federations: Beijing Holds Lectures to Publicize Spirit of Xi's Important Speech

Date:2023-12-8 14:11:03    Views:

To further study, publicize and implement guiding principles of important speech delivered by General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Xi Jinping during a talk with the new leadership of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) in October, and to act on the requirements made by Ding Xuexiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, in his address at the opening ceremony of the 13th National Women's Congress (NWC) on behalf of the CPC Central Committee, follow the arrangements emphasized by newly-elected ACWF President Shen Yiqin in her speech at the closing ceremony of the 13th NWC, and to focus on the objectives and tasks outlined by the 13th NWC, ACWF launched a special campaign to organize all delegations of the 13th NWC to hold relay publicity activities under the theme “following the Party on the new journey and striving for higher achievements in the new era.”

Women's federations at all levels in Beijing from December 1 to 5 convened publicity activities in a move to make relevant guiding principles widely known by women of all social sectors and gather their strengths for following the leadership of the Party on the new journey and striving for higher achievements in the new era.

During the past few days, delegates to the 20th CPC National Congress and the 13th NWC, honorees of national and municipal March 8th Red-Banner Holders awards, and other women role models held face-to-face talks with women during their visits to residential communities, institutions of higher education, cultural agencies, and the organizations of newly emergent social groups and business sectors.

A poster for the relay publicity activities


Women's federations at all levels across the capital city made use of all resources available in the innovative organization of thematic publicity activities. Women lecturers’ groups from different districts have joined the publicity activities to promote the study, publicity and implementation of guiding principles of important speech by General Secretary Xi with easily understandable language, vivid stories and cases. So far, the capital city had held over 1,000 sessions of such publicity activities with the participation of about three million people both online and offline.

A collage photo shows various publicity activities held by women's federations at all levels in Beijing.


Four NWC delegates from sci-tech sector in Beijing related their own stories to promote Beijing's action to promote women's scientific and technological innovation and the capital city's endeavor to become an international sci-tech innovation center. Speaking at the inaugural ceremony of the office for members from women’s federations of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Qingele Jirigele, chief technician with Shougang Research Institute of Technology, gave an introduction to her experience in the sci-tech research field and stressed that she is committed to promoting the low-carbon, green and high-quality development of Chinese steel industry and the building of Beautiful China initiative. Li Li, CEO of Netease Media Group and Part-time Vice-President of Haidian Women's Federation, talked about the fulfillment of corporate social responsibilities and the production of high-quality cultural products as an internet company to meet women and children's ever-growing spiritual needs. During a gathering in Donghuashi sub-district of Dongcheng, Dong Le, Executive Vice-President of Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence, spoke with grassroots people about the commitments made by her and other sci-tech workers to making major breakthroughs in core fields. Shen Jie, a researcher of the Institute of Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), has engaged in the research of quantum devices and technologies for many years. She said that many Chinese women have shown their unique values in sci-tech innovation and that sci-tech advancement has provided them with numerous development opportunities.

Four women role models share their inspiring stories during various activities.


A group of women volunteers for family education and scientific popularization were invited on December 5, which was also the 38th International Volunteer Day, to speak with students at Beijing Wuzi University about the guiding principles of important speech by General Secretary Xi. Heads of a women volunteer services team and a State-level women volunteer service station from Haidian district briefed attendees about guiding principles of the 13th NWC. Women's federations at all levels across the capital city sent warmth and care of the Party to grassroots women and their families and made guiding principles of important speech by General Secretary Xi widely known.

One of the capital’s most beautiful women lecturer group’s events is held in Tongzhou district.

A collage photo shows role models speaking about their inspiring stories during separate publicity gatherings.


During a lecture held by Chaoyang District Women’s Federation, Yun Yantao, a representative of the Capital Most Beautiful Families, spoke about her decades-long efforts to engage in reading and nurture family values with reading. Her family has taken the lead in the practice of core socialist values and guide more families to become models.


Yun Yantao, a representative of the Capital Most Beautiful Families, shares her family stories during the lecture held by Chaoyang District Women’s Federation.


Participants at the lecture held by Chaoyang District Women’s Federation


Women representatives share their stories.


Several NWC delegates related their work to make the spirit of serving the people widely known during lectures. Cong Liyun, President of Liyuan Township Women's Federation, highlighted personal growth and the sense of fulfillment whilst striving for outstanding performance and serving the people at the workplace. He Yuling, President of Yanqing Guishui Association for Promoting the Development of Women’s Handicrafts and Part-Time Vice-President of Yanqing District Women's Federation, is committed to promoting rural revitalization and leading local women to increase their income. She said that she will make full use of and gather women's unique strength in innovation and entrepreneurship on the journey ahead. Li Haili, a chief doctor of ophthalmology department with Peking University First Hospital, rushed to a lecture held by Dongcheng District Women’s Federation after she completed a surgery. As an ophthalmologist with three-decades-long experience, she said that she will continuously serve the people with her professional knowledge and expertise and promote the improvement of people’s health literacy.

Lectures are held in Dongcheng and Tongzhou districts.


Chen Ye, an NWC delegate and Deputy Director of the working committee on women of departments directly under the Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPC, gave a lecture about the spirit of the 13th NWC during a training session for cadres engaged in the work for women. The trainees said that Chen's lecture has further bolstered their confidence and sense of mission in doing soundly the work for women and that they will thoroughly implement guiding principles of important speech by General Secretary Xi and make contributions to the capital city's high-quality development.

A training session is held for cadres engaged in the work for women in Beijing.


Meanwhile, group members of women's federations and women-oriented social organizations took part in relevant lectures. The BWF and China Women Artists Association jointly held an exhibition of the traditional Chinese painting works of 100 women artists on December 3. President of the association Kong Zi, also an NWC delegate, called on women painters to focus their work on the depiction of the beauty of the country in the new era during her address to the event.

An exhibition of the traditional Chinese painting works of 100 women artists is held in Beijing.


To promote full implementation of an action plan of BWF concerning the study, publicity and implementation of guiding principles of important speech by General Secretary Xi and the realization of specific targets outlined by the 13th NWC, officials of municipal and district-level women's federations gave lectures among grassroots people and social organizations. Zhang Yajun, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and President of the BWF and an NWC delegate, lectured among women heads from government departments, universities and enterprises about how to further enhance their leadership at a training session held by the Organization Department of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee. She also gave lecturers for women sci-tech workers, political advisors, Party members of the BWF, and grassroots people in Dongcheng and Huairou districts on different occasions. Such publicity gatherings were convened in internet enterprises and new business sectors as well as parent schools. During their face-to-face talks with grassroots people, officials of municipal and district-level women's federations conveyed the caring and support of General Secretary Xi toward the cause of women’s development, his scientific planning for the work for women and the work of women's federations, and specific objectives as well as tasks outlined by the 13th NWC, hoping to further deepen the recognition of women for the Party's theoretical innovation in terms of politics, ideology and emotion.

Zhang Yajun, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and President of the BWF, gives a lecture.

Photo collage shows lectures given by women’s federations leaders in the capital city.


Organizers of Capital Most Beautiful Women lectures made further innovations in organization and content with the support of new media platforms operated by women's federations to further expand its coverage and influence. Four livestreaming sessions were held through the Beijing Time new media platform to promote the Party's theoretical innovations among ordinary women and their families.

Beijing Radio & Television Station (BRTV) set up a special program titled "the Capital Most Beautiful Women Strivers" to invite NWC delegates to share with the audiences their study, publicity and implementation of guiding principles of important speech of General Secretary Xi at the workplace. In addition, representative women from education and sci-tech sectors attended relevant TV programs.

A screenshot of a program of BRTV on the stories of most beautiful women strivers

A woman role model shares her story during a BRTV program.


BWF worked with BRTV to make special short videos for NWC delegates and winners of national and municipal March 8th Red-Banner Holders awards and broadcast them on short-video platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou.

BWF also produced posters to show the determination of NWC delegates to follow the leadership of the Party and strive for higher achievements in the new era.

Posters for some NWC delegates


A short-video display activity has been held to showcase the determination and positive image of women from all social sectors as they bear in mind great expectations of the Party toward them, and endeavor to make higher performance in the implementation of guiding principles of the 13th NWC.

The poster for the short-video display activity


In the next step, women's federations at all levels across the capital will continuously hold lectures for the study, publicity and implementation of guiding principles of important speech by General Secretary Xi, make the guiding principles widely known in understandable language and deliver tangible results. 

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