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Beijing Unveils Capital's Most Beautiful Families of 2023

Date:2023-12-25 16:00:41    Views:

Attendees pose for a photo at the ceremony to announce the Capitals Most Beautiful Families of 2023


Beijing Women's Federation (BWF), Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Beijing Municipal Supervisory Commission, the organization and publicity departments of Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Beijing Municipal Office for Cultural-Ethical Progress, and Beijing Municipal Education Commission on December 23 jointly unveiled the  Capital's Most Beautiful Families of 2023.

Zhang Yajun, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and President of the BWF, attended and addressed the ceremony. Those in attendance of the event included Zhang Ji, Deputy Director-General of the Publicity Department of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, He Qun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Departments Directly under the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, other officials of the BWF, representatives of the events organizing departments, district-level women's federations and Capitals Most Beautiful Families.

Representatives of the Capital's Most Beautiful Families of 2023 pose for a group photo at the ceremony.


The ceremony announced 300 Capital's Most Beautiful Families of 2023 and top 10 Capital's Most Beautiful Families. The selected families have excelled in the love of the Party and the country, the building of incorruptible and upright families, the observation of scientific parenting, filial piety, green and environmentally-friendly practices and the transformation of the established traditions, and they have shown the positive image of local families in the new era.

The Capital's Most Beautiful Families of 2023 pose for a group photo.


Honorees of the Top 10 Capital's Most Beautiful Families of 2023 are: Tong Danning, whose family has inherited and developed revolutionary traditions, Meng Er'mei, whose family firmly stood out to help flood-stranded passengers in the summer of 2023, Liu Kuo, whose family has striven for a bright life with independent efforts, Lyu Xiaoge, whose family is committed to carrying forward the spirit embodied in the development of aerospace industry, Chen Wencheng, whose family has proactively taken part in the peaceful advancement of cross-Straits relations, Qin Chuan, whose family has shown firm support for the publicity work against telecom fraud, Zhang Peng, whose family has been involved in the building of Xiongan New Area in north Chinas Hebei Province, Tian Ye, whose family is dedicated to scientific parenting, Wu Shuming, whose family is widely known for filial piety, and Zong Chengyu, whose family has been enthusiastic for charitable affairs.

During the ceremony, organizers convened a three-section exhibition to tell the touching stories of the selected families, showcase their commitment to carrying forward positive family traditions, and advocate advanced family outlook in the new era through the publicity of exemplary deeds, interviews and scenario-related performance.

Love of the Party and the Country on New Journey

The family of Zhu Maojin and the family of Jiao Shuqin share their stories at the ceremony.


The families of Zhu Maojin and Jiao Shuqin got together to review the caring and great expectations of General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping for Caochang residential community during an inspection tour in February 2019. They talked about efforts made by the community to push for the coordinated development between Party and family building affairs and underscored important roles played by family ties, family value and family traditions in grassroots social governance.

The family of Tong Danning speaks with the audience about the inheritance and development of revolutionary traditions passed down by his father Tong Xiaopeng at the ceremony.


The family of Tong Danning spoke about his inheritance and development of revolutionary traditions passed down by his father Tong Xiaopeng, who was a soldier of the Red Army, attended the Long March (1934-36) and worked with Premier Zhou Enlai for over four decades. After his retirement, Tong Danning wrote several books about his father's participation in the Long March and translated the expectations from Deng Yingchao, wife of Premier Zhou for his father on the occasion of his wedding ceremony into family traditions.

Joint Contribution and Shared Benefits in Writing a New Chapter

Lyu Xiaoge speaks with the audience about his family stories at the ceremony.


Lyu Xiaoge shared with attendees about his father's decades-long involvement in the building of Chinas "Two Bombs and One Satellite" project, scientific popularization of military knowledge, and the pursuit of aerospace dream by his wife and daughter.

Performers sing a song at the ceremony.


Some performers sang a song about the pursuit of lofty dreams of workers in the aerospace industry.

Meng Ermei, Party chief of Luopoling community in Mentougou district, talks about her efforts to save and relocate flood-stranded passengers.


"You will not go hungry as long as I still have food," Meng Ermei said to flood-stranded passengers during her participation in rescue and relocation work in the summer of 2023. As secretary of the Party branch of Luopoling community in Mentougou district of the capital city, she immediately rushed to the front line and led local Party members and residents to search, rescue and transport nearly 1,000 passengers who had been trapped for almost two days on train K396 by floods.

Meng said that she received full support of her husband and son in the rescue, research and relocation work.

A collage photo shows the audience touched by the letters and audio messages of thanks sent by passengers helped by Meng Ermei.


The audience were deeply touched by the letters and audio messages of thanks sent by passengers helped by Meng when she showed them at the gathering.

For the Good of Society in Cultivation of New Social Norms

Wu Shuming and her family attend the ceremony.


Wu Shuming and her family have held their Spring Festival gala for over four decades. They gave a show of their practice of filial piety and the emphasis on learning at the ceremony.

A collage photo shows performances of family stories.


The self-performed shows on family stories helped attendees grasp a deep understanding of the importance and benefits brought by the adherence to family unity, mutual respect and love.

In her speech, Zhang said thatBWF has further deepened the implementation of the Family Happiness and Well-being campaign and taken the Looking for Most Beautiful Families campaign as an important carrier to advance the work on fostering family ties, values and traditions. So far, the capital city has selected 650,000 role model families, which include 2,900 city-level Most Beautiful Families and 250 national-level Most Beautiful Families. They have taken the lead in the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese virtue, the love of the country and the promotion of new social norms.

In the year 2024, the Looking for Most Beautiful Families campaign will focus on the implementation of guiding principles of General Secretary Xi's important speech with new leadership of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and the 13th National Women's Congress (NWC), target central work, continue with the selection of role model families, make full use of their exemplary functions, advance the implementation of core socialist values with concrete results, and promote the building of new family civilization and trends featuring the love of the country and family, mutual respect and love, the pursuit of progress and benevolence, joint contribution and shared benefits.

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