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Nine United Working Committees on Women Established in Beijing’s Social Organization Sector

Date:2023-9-26 16:27:12    Views:

Under the support of the comprehensive Party committee of industry associations and chambers of commerce in Beijing, and with the guidance of Beijing Women’s Federation (BWF) and the working committee on women of industry associations and chambers of commerce in Beijing, nine united working committees on women have been established in social organization sector recently. The newly inaugurated working committees on women are affiliated with academic organizations in Beijing, professional associations in Beijing, social service agencies in public welfare and health areas in Beijing and foundations in culture, education, social service and poverty relief areas in Beijing.

The establishment of women's federations in social organizations is an integral part of efforts taken by BWF to deepen the reform of women's federations, promote the integrated development of the Party-building work and the work on women and improve its work on grassroots organization building. In 2021, seven working committees on women were established by united Party committees of social organizations. Last year, the working committee on women of industry associations and chambers of commerce in Beijing was established, which represented a new height for the capital city in the establishment of women's federations in social organizations. This year, BWF has worked with the working committee on women of industry associations and chambers of commerce in Beijing to continuously expand the coverage of women's federations in social organizations under the leadership of united Party committees. After conducting investigations, mobilization and preparation, all united Party committees that have necessary conditions have established their working committees on women according to regulated procedures, held the inaugural meeting and organized various women-oriented activities. The establishment of women's federations in social organizations has smoothed womens federations guidance to social organizations work on women, and better connected the Party with women in relevant social sectors.

In the next step, the newly founded working committees on women will make full use of their strength, build more platforms, enhance the availability of resources, bring together women in social organizations, expand the scope and improve the efficiency of social organizations services, and come up with proposals and solutions for the high-quality development of social organizations. The BWF will further promote the organizational building of women's federations in social organizations and facilitate the establishment of womens federations in united Party committees in collaboration with the working committee on women of industry associations.

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