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Lightening the Light of Hope for Left-behind Children — Launching the Care Foundation for Left-behind Children

Date:2013-10-26 16:56:22    Views:

The guests are launching the Care Foundation for Left-behind Children 
On October 26, 2013, the “Care Foundation for Left-behind Children”, jointly founded by Beijing Women & Children Development Foundation and Beijing Xiangyun Hospital Management Co., Ltd., was officially launched in Beijing Xiangyun Jingcheng Skin Diseases Hospital.

The Care Foundation for Left-behind Children aims at offering necessary assistances for left-behind children suffering from psoriasis and other skin diseases. The special fund will burden all the costs of disposable clinical cure for 12 left-behind children from most needy families suffering from psoriasis and other skin diseases, and afford RMB 1,000-1,500 for 100 left-behind children suffering from common families every year. Meanwhile, an expert panel is to be organized for carrying out commonweal screening of skin diseases among left-behind children in high-incidence area and holding periodical public lectures on children's skin diseases. On the very day of launching, Wei Fang, a five-year-old left-behind girl from a remote mountain village of Guangxi Province suffering from serious psoriasis became the first patient helped by the special fund. 

In the future, Beijing Women & Children Development Foundation will provide actual assistances for more left-behind children suffering from psoriasis and other skin diseases through the Care Foundation for Left-behind Children. Meanwhile, we appeal for the caring of more kind-heated people for the left-behind children to create a sunny and warm environment with love for them.

Hotline for helping left-behind children: 400-9191-666 


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